How did your legislators score on reform bills against Big Money and for voters?
The California Clean Money Action Fund's "Clean Money Scorecard" rates every California legislator on how much they helped (or hurt!) bills for Fair Elections and against Big Money's dominance in politics during the previous legislative session. You can see every legislator's grade and detailed record in our Clean Money Scorecard for 2019-2020.
Was your state Senator or Assembly Member one of the Clean Money Champions shown above who led to pass crucial democracy bills? Or did they stand more often with Big Money special interests against true democracy reforms?
For our democracy to function, legislators must know constituents are watching closely and care whether they helped bills that stood with regular people and not wealthy special interests — bills like the nation-leading Petition DISCLOSE Act (SB 47) and Text Message DISCLOSE Act (AB 201) that our grassroots campaign passed in the 2019-2020 legislative session.
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