Governor Brown signs SB 822 to restore Net Neutrality to California!![]()
No other law in the nation bans all of these anti-consumer and anti-democracy schemes. No other law stops ISPs from manipulating what you can see and do on the internet which is embedded in our lives from connecting with others, to learning something new, finding a job, registering to vote, or even contacting your elected officials. That's why California Clean Money had to get involved. SB 822 was supported by a giant coalition of consumer groups and organizations fighting special interests and entrenched power, and was a true grassroots victory. Tens of thousands of Californians signed petitions, called, emailed, tweeted, and even attended hearings to combat the fierce opposition from AT&T, Comcast, Verizon, and their Big Money pals. The legislature came through with overwhelming bipartisan victories with the leadership of SB 822 authors Senators Scott Wiener and Kevin de León and principal coauthors like Assemblymembers Miguel Santiago and Rob Bonta. When SB 822 was on Gov. Brown's desk — and Big Telecom increased attacks falsely claiming SB 822 would raise rates and hurt jobs — thousands of Clean Money supporters also called him, and an amazing 25,000 emailed or commented on his official website. And we delivered over 90,000 signatures from Clean Money supporters and coalition partners. In a great grassroots victory for speech — a victory that also preserves the ability to organize against powerful special interests online — Gov. Brown signed SB 822 to stop Big Money's control of the internet. You can read our press release about the victory below. It will come as no surprise that Attorney General Jeff Sessions immediately sued to try to stop SB 822, despite the FCC's saying they didn't have the authority to regulate Net Neutrality. That court battle is on hold while the national lawsuits about Net Neutrality go on — but California has made its stand and will fight for its right to require a fair and equal internet for all if the federal government doesn't. We had a great year against Big Money, but we can't ease off. We must push harder so we can do even bigger things! Our ability to grow and mobilize our powerful Clean Money grassroots army is powered by Clean Money members who give $5, $28, or $50 a month. Can you join as a Clean Money member to help us defend and build on this nation-leading victory?
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE from the California Clean Money Campaign September 30, 2018 Bill passed legislature on overwhelming bipartisan votes after broad grassroots campaign with 90,000 signatures and hundreds of supporting organizations. Sacramento — SACRAMENTO, CA — Today, Governor Jerry Brown signed SB 822, the bill to restore Net Neutrality to California — the strongest net neutrality bill in the nation. "The Federal Communications Commission is abdicating its responsibility to enforce net neutrality, so California has no choice but to act to ensure that the internet remains a free and open space for speech, commerce, and association," said Trent Lange, President of the California Clean Money Campaign, and a PhD in Computer Science. "With Governor Brown's signature of SB 822 in response to the overwhelming bipartisan vote of the legislature and a coalition of hundreds of public interest organizations and small businesses, California is once again leading the nation, this time back to an internet that is equally available to all."
SB 822 passed though the legislature on overwhelming bipartisan votes of 61-18 in the Assembly and 27-12 in the Senate. Every Assembly Democrat voted "Yes", as did Republican Assemblymembers Dante Acosta, Catharine Baker, Jordan Cunningham, Tom Lackey, Brian Maienschein, and Chad Mayes. Every Senate Democrat voted "Yes", as did Republican Senator Ling-Ling Chang. California Clean Money Campaign worked with a a coalition of hundreds of state, national, and local public interest, consumer, labor, and progressive organizations teamed up with small businesses and internet startups to ask the legislature to pass SB 822 and Governor Brown to sign it. We delivered 90,000 signatures to Governor Brown in support of SB 822 from Clean Money supporters as well as California Common Cause, California Voices For Progress Center for Media Justice, Color Of Change, Consumers Union, Courage Campaign, CREDO Mobile, Daily Kos, Demand Progress, Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), Fight For The Future, Move To Amend, Money Out Voters In Coalition, People Demanding Action, People For the American Way, People's Action,, PDA California, Sandra Fluke, and RootsAction. Over 24,000 emailed the Governor, with thousands more commenting, calling, tweeting, and more. "With his signature of SB 822 along with with AB 2188, the Social Media DISCLOSE Act, and other Clean Money bills, Governor Brown has once again made California show the rest of the nation how to stand for the people rather than the powerful," said Trent Lange. "The overwhelming bipartisan victory of SB 822 is testament to the leadership of authors Senator Scott Wiener and Kevin de León, floor manager Assemblymember Miguel Santiago. principal coauthor Assemblymember Rob Bonta, and the nonstop grassroots coalition campaign that demanded a restoration of Net Neutrality." Join as a Clean Money member to help us keep scoring victories against Big Money!
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